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  • Update re: jumprope glitch Only seems to happen on 2nd floor. Not an issue on 1st/bottom floor. Reported by hubby and confirmed by me.
  • I also see the jumprope glitch, but I kinda like it, as it adds sparkle to more than just one area. Fixing it would be fine, too.
  • After updating iOS to 13.3.1, my "garden" (all avail plants) lost their maturity level. I check my chuzzarium a few times a day and the plants were bought at different times (for variety in maturation) and, before iOS update, they were maybe 1/3 mat…
  • I like stuff the chuzzles can do together. It'd be cool to have a hot tub or a puzzle for them in the Chuzzarium. Or, a way to send them "shopping" like to the mall or a farmer's market, where you give them a specific # of coins and send them off.…
  • Glad you got it working, @leopardlady_2019. FYI, don't update ur iOS until after ur chuzzles eat the current harvest. I lost my tree maturity level that way. :(
  • Maybe they can have a "new chuzzle suggestion" thread where folks can submit names and designs for new chuzzles?
  • Ah! I immediately sold the seesaw after the first Celestial incident :D I didn't know I could shrink him! :o
  • hubby was playing Chuzzle 2 and had some time invested w/a few chuzzles, etc. in his Chuzzarium. He went to change his player name from "Player 1" and the game erased all of his progress (he's so bummed as he finally got Classic Chuzzle!). What else…