Is there a release date or a month when it will be?

Hello I have been playing Solomon's keep and boneyard for ages and been waiting a long time for a new game (Solomon dark) but since that is now canceled :c which I recently found out (havnt been keeping up) came here and heard about the new Solomon keep hd I think it was and wondered if there is a release date or around which months this game will be released for green light on steam but take yo time that way we can all enjoy the game that much more :o (have u played ark? Pretty fun game)


  • Hi there,

    I have a date in mind but wild horses couldn't drag it from me.  Any time I mention a date, it seems like all of the fates convene to make sure I can't hit it. 

    I haven't played Ark, but I'll take a look at it.  I've been playing Grim Dawn lately.
  • Rapti, you should make a floating banner for the top of the page saying "no known release date for solomon, updates on mondays" so people are less inclined to ask
  • Well, at SOME point, someone's going to ask and I'll say, "on the 14th" or whatever.  There will come a point where it crosses some threshold and I'm ready to announce.  So I don't mind. :)
  • Or mess with them, and say the 32nd XD
  • lmao.. you shoulda messaged him that privately so he could have used it :P

    but, as far as rapti's response, he has a date in mind, so i hope in the next few months? =o  as long as we get it (or atleast a demo) before 12/25, you will make my christmas dream come true =D

    even if we dont, ill still love you tho rapti <3
  • Do you have a blog or something to follow status updates on what you are working on.  I am just curious to see what I've missed.
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