Monday Screenshot 7/27: Random Powerups are different

In Solomon's Boneyard, and the unreleased Solomon Dark, you could find at times random powerups (in the form of skill books, quad damage thingies, etc).  They activated immediately and thus were of limited use.

Although that kind of powerup still will exist, Keep will also drop some physical items that can be consumed later, or even put into storage for another character to use.  The idea is to encourage more strategic play, or even to allow you to store a lot of things in order to create and play an uber-character later. 


  • Sounds like a big improvement! I do like the idea of the possibility to eventually amass enough supplies to get an "uber-character".
  • As long as there are "thingies."
  • Great!

    (........ but I still want to see some Hamsterball 2 screenshots............)*COUGH*
  • book of skill = 1 skill point? so you could theoretically amass hundreds of them and then have a level 1 character with all abilities? or will there be level caps for certain skills, like having to reach level 25 in SB for the "pure" bonus skill, faster caster and such? 

    either way, its a great system to implement, i assume these physical power ups will be much more rare then there non-physical instant counterparts? and assuming there is a physical quad damage (or something of the like) physical item, will it have a scroll version, and a larger (but stackable) tome version like diablo had for town portal/identify?

    if any of this is supposed to be a bit of a surprise, just say no comment or something.. im not trying to get you to divulge secrets, just trying to offer other ideas in case you hadn't thought of them

    (side note im 85% moved in, its taking forever >.>)
  • In the original there were non-pure skills that you could get only at certain levels. I think Channel Mana was only available at like level 5, might have been battle mage though. One of them was that way. Siege damage, faster caster were non-pure skills at 25(?) I think there were a few others.
  • There are definitely skills that will only work at a certain level, so amassing a huge collection of books for the uber-character is a setup where you'd definitely want to use the books up as you reach each level threshold.

    Other than that, I won't give out the details.
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