There are 40 more keys i haven't unlocked in hoggy 2?

Hey there, I recently finished Hoggy 2, (awesome game by the way :D, i really enjoyed it :D), but after i finished the game, i went to the main menu, and saw this :image it says 220/260, does this mean that there are 40 more keys i didn't unlock? or is it just a glitch? probably the latter.

Also, when i go in game, and go to one of the stat boxes, it says 220/220, so im a bit confused :P


  • Hi there, it looks like somewhere along the way you unlocked the "Hoggy 1" section (the portcullis door in the castle region).  That adds 40 more levels to the game.
  • edited April 2018
    yay new hoggy levels to play! thanks :D
  • You need to find the gate in the castle
    Put the code thingy by doing #hoggy on Twitter
    Boom, ya got teh ole levels ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
  • I wish i could play them, but i don't have a twitter
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