how do i get eggs and other stuff not in the shop in chuzzarium? (like the rocking horse etc)

also, how do i make Stinky in the jail forever because he keeps escaping and putting other chuzzles in it, and eating all the food. 
I feel bad when he starving but he is rude so how do i fix this


  • In Chuzzle 2, you get Chuzzles and items and other stuff by completing Puzzles. Some items, like eggs, are season-exclusive; afaik you get a seasonal puzzle every Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. (you can get 3 eggs with special easter Chuzzles from the Easter puzzle)

    In Chuzzle Snap, you can buy Chuzzles from the shop, with new ones becoming available each day. Seasons still apply, though.

    Stinky isn't actually doing that. I think it's an issue with how the Chuzzarium's state is saved, causing the chuzzle in the jail cell to be switched with a different chuzzle each time you re-enter the Chuzzarium. I don't think there's a fix for that right now.
  • Oh, and to make Stinky nice, you need to unlock/buy Kittyball and put her near Stinky!
  • Get another stinky chuzzle, lock both stinkys in a room together and eventually they will kill each other, or the more mischievous stinky will kill the other and cause even more pain and suffering in your chuzzlarium
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