Mage Rework Theorycraft v. 2.0

Recently I got some idea for mage rework and made this new mage rework theorycraft based on the feedback I got before.
Since the content is really huge, I've put it on a google doc which you can view at this link below:

But since this thing is so huge, I bet lots of you guys would rather want tl;dr version. Thus, I decided to make a summary of important change down below. If you need any questions, feedback, or anything, please feel free to do so.

1. In addition to skill points, you now get spell school points which you can put in any of the 9 spell schools (air, fire, earth, ether, water, mind, body, arcane, and intellect). Putting a point in a spell school makes the skills from that spell school to appear more often in skill selection and give a certain bonus. Also, some skills require certain amount of spell school level to show up in the skill selection. Below are the list of bonus you can get for each spell school
-Air, fire, earth, ether, water increases each of their primary attack's damage and mana cost (same as putting points on primary spell)
-Arcane increases damage of offensive secondary skills by 5%)
-Mind increases max mana by 25
-Body increases max health by 25 and movement speed by 10%
-Intellect gives one additional skill point.

2. Intellect is a brand new spell school that is all about build optimization. Some of the intellect skills include a skill that bans a skill from showing at skill selection, a skill that allows you to level up a specific skill of your choice(bribe destiny without the need of payment), or a skill that gives you a chance to reroll skill choices during level-up. However, if Intellect is the highest level spell school, you get very useless trivia skill in your skill selection which could decrease number of skill choices you can pick during level up. 

3. Arcane got reworked into heavily focused on secondary skills. Also, most offensive secondary skills require 1 point on arcane which gives you an option to prevent secondary that does not fit to your build by not putting points on arcane.

4. Every elemental spell schools have mastery skill which decreases their primary spell's mana cost similar to how battle mage works. This way, you can focus on a single element without the necessity to put points on mind during early games to get battle mage. Battle Mage is still there but it is more suited for weld spells and secondaries.

5. There is also a new consumable called decoction, which is a very powerful buff brew that lasts about 10 minutes. Decoctions are a quick way to cover your early game problems of your build by giving a bonus worth 2 to 3 skill points. Due to its powerful nature, only one decoction buff may be in effect (unless you have a skill that allows you to have additional buff)

6. Body has also gotten cool tools such as a skill which gives life steal, a skill gives you an ability to completely restore and remove debuff, a skill that gives buff based on your current health, and even a skill that prevents you from receiving a damage above a certain threshold.

If you like to see the details, go check out the full rework document above. Enjoy.

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