I play Chuzzle2 in 2 devices

edited August 2021 in Chuzzle
I normally play Chuzzle2 in my tablet, and i also play Chuzzle2 in my laptop. How am i playing Chuzzle2 with a laptop?
Welp, first of all, i've heard about this thing called "BlueStacks". It lets you download mobile games in it. And i just installed Chuzzle2 in BlueStacks.
Also, in my BlueStacks Chuzzle2 Chuzzarium, I have a little amount of chuzzles and they are not gonna starve.
And in my tablet Chuzzle2 Chuzzarium, i have lots of chuzzles and i have a low amount of coins. And the hunger of my chuzzles in my Tablet Chuzzarium is really bad. The hunger on my BlueStacks chuzzarium is fine. So, i think i still have stumbled on one problem:
Why do Chuzzles on my Tablet Chuzzarium starve quickly for like 1 day or so?
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