Mage Rework Suggestion: Weld Magic(excluding Earth for now)

Note: all elemental flourish and immolate, inflame, explosive rune, hail, ethereal deconstruction does not apply.

1. Ball lightning: Does not home to enemy anymore. Instead fires slow moving orbs of lightning that shoots lightning to nearby enemies. The orbs expires after set duration. Channing now increase amount of lightning branch that each orb shoots instead. Potent Missile also increases duration of Ball Lightning. 

2. Burning Bolt: Ember only applies after killing an enemy but gains 25% total damage that can be done by ember per shot is given as bonus damage instead (mainly because of technical issue that can happen due to excessive ember). Sticky Flame does not apply to this spell. 

3. Flame Lash: Sticky Flame is now applied once enemy gets hit by Flame Lash for 2 seconds. Killing an enemy gives 2/5/7/10% of max mana and 2 health based on level of Siphon.

4. Steam Jet: Acts as more similar to frost jet than current steam jet. The Steam is created at the end of the stream instead. Steam jet itself and steam deals damage separately (therefore it basically doubles the damage at the end of the jet). Chill wind now properly blocks arrows and applies 100% of the knockback it originally does. The steam slows enemies based on chill wind level. Enemy hit by steam for 3 seconds gets sticky flame and drops some embers. Slightly decreased width bonus from cone of ice.

5. Blizzard Beam: Siphon does not apply to this spell. For each second it is casted, mana cost is increased by 1%, damage is increased by 5%, beam width is increased by 10%, and knockback is increased by 2%. However, your movement speed is lowered by 5% per second and up to 40%.

6. Frost Missile: Its just perfect. thats all.


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