Are rainbow fat chuzzles a glitch or not?

As far as i know, there are fat chuzzles on Chuzzle. And Snackers told me that they are a obstacle of the game, but i can still count them as normal chuzzles. Fat Chuzzles can burp, while Normal Chuzzles can sneeze. John Raptis named the burp and the fat chuzzle burp face "SweetRelief" and "Beauty", just for fun. And if you pop a fat chuzzle that already has burped, it will make a laughing face just when you have guessed the mystery chuzzle wrong. The Rainbow Fat Chuzzles can only be found in Daily Do, but they don't display the rainbow texture, they display the bright yellow color. They only can be found while you make a chain reaction/combo (i think) to turn a chuzzle into a rainbow chuzzle. This can rarely happen on fat chuzzles. And i know that when you match 3 rainbow chuzzles, they give 260 score, while 3 normal chuzzles give 10. 1 rainbow chuzzle can give 86 and 2 thirds, but decimals can't count. 86 and 2 thirds can count as 87 since the game doesn't allow decimals, and interestingly, 87 x 3 = 261. You could take off 1 and it's 260. And another "i know": One chuzzle can give 3 and 1 third score, while Fat Chuzzles have the same score value of a normal chuzzle, but they add bonus 20 score into their score value. So if 1 fat chuzzle gives 23 and 1 third score, the rainbow fat chuzzle can give 106 and 2 thirds score. It still can be counted as 107 though without decimals. This can't be counted as 280 though, but it can be a higher value. Even as if i typed a lot of characters in this discussion, i might be a typing legend. Let's not talk about that. Let me show you the score values. If you already know, then remember.

10 score = 3 normal chuzzles

30 score = 4 normal chuzzles and 2 normal chuzzles with 1 fat chuzzle

40 score = Unlocking 2 locked chuzzles with 1 chuzzle

50 score = 1 normal chuzzle and 2 fat chuzzles

70 score = Combo with 2 3-normal chuzzle pieces

260 score = 3 rainbow chuzzles

??? score = 2 rainbow chuzzles and 1 fat rainbow chuzzle (bright yellow fat chuzzle, and if Snackers can tell me the value of this, i might edit the text)

And i can't list more of those score values.
Anyways, i can't tell more, so i'll stop typing.


  • I can't give any values of that, never got in-depth with scores.
    Your dedication, though... It fascinates me...
  • I don't need to be "weeped"  out of this website....
    *sniff* ....and i am not breaking the rules...... *sniff* ...WHY DOES EVERYBODY WANT ME TO BE ERASED?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *sobs*
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