Chuzzarium in Chuzzle Snap

I have a couple of chuzzles in my Chuzzarium - Waterlily and Blossum - along with a couple of toys/chairs and food. They eat the food and wander around a bit, but I've never seen them uses the chairs/toys.. nor have I ever seen their mood above Content. I'd like to get them to generate presents and such, but I don't know what I'm missing?

for what it's worth, I haven't yet paid to remove ads. if that would make a difference?


  • They seem to be acting fine for me - playing with toys, using furniture, leaving presents etc.
  • Mine play a lot! But I play daily. I still have the ads. I have noticed the more points I get the more gifts they give me. I get “ecstatic”. On my chuzzles. GL
  • Okay, they're using the chair and the exercise wheel. Still just Content, though.
  • Chuzzles leave gifts while they're in an Ecstatic mood.
  • I haven't seen any presents, nor have they been at Ecstatic, yet.
  • But the question is how to get them into that mood? I've got the food and interactive things. Is it dependent on me playing levels in the main game too?
  • No, it doesn't require any main game action. Chuzzles can feel ecstatic after playing with toys/watching TV/playing with other Chuzzles. If you have Kittyball, she can make every Chuzzle feel ecstatic.
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