Racing Backwards

I've recently been trying to figure out how to run the races backwards and then trying to speedrun them there and back again. So far, I've figured out how to go backwards on warm up, intermediate, tower, expert, odd, sky (obviously), and impossible. Does anyone else know a way to do any of the others?


  • A YouTube user made a video of all the races which can be completed backwards:
    It would be cool if we could tweak the timer so that it starts once you reach the goal/once you press a hotkey.
  • That would be fun as a Hamsterball 2 concept, a loop race where you go down but it turns out the real goal is back where you started, with new paths to help you upward once you reach the bottom.
  • Unfortunately, the person that made that youtube video was using the keyboard, so they couldn't rail-jump, making many of the possible races impossible. (They also didn't start at the very end, making some races like the beginner and master ones 'possible.') Thanks for trying anyway! :)
    As for HB2 levels like that, I'm totally going to make some of the original races where you start at the bottom and have to get to the top.
  • edited August 2020
    The person was using the mouse on some races, but he says tubes are no going around. They fell off all the slides around the tubes in hopes of getting a good respawn. It worked well in Master Race but not so much in other races. Could you possibly show us how you managed to beat races backwards?
  • Sure! Give me a few days though, because I'll have to find my HB disk so I can download it onto my good computer, which actually has access to screen recording software. Currently the only computer I have HB on is older than Hamsterball itself (and it's internet is long shot).
  • Wonder if HB 2 will be able to run on ancient dinosaur computers.
  • Probably not, though if so, that'd be pretty nice - the best computer I have is a pathetically weak laptop...
  • edited August 2020
    Some notes:
    1, This is my first video, so expect it to be amateur.
    2, There is no sound because I had to remove it. It sounded awful for some reason.
    3, I only did one take on everything.
    4, I have up on time lapsing, so you can skip long sections like the up race.
    5, I'm not sure if I can post this video up, but let me try. (I can't find the insert button.)
  • Not sure if this will work our whether I'll have to convert the file, but here goes!
  • Thank you
  • Seeing all this craziness just makes me wonder exactly how this game decides where to respawn you at any given point of time.
  • I think I've figured it out. The game takes note of your z coordinate (height) when you start falling. If you start falling at, say, z = 11, then it sends you to the closest respawn at z = 11. If there are no near respawns at that height, it finds the nearest respawn that has the nearest height above that. So if it senses you starting falling at z = 11, but there are no respawns at z=11, it searches z = 12 for a respawn. What rail jumping does is it increases your z coordinate before you fall so that it forces a higher respawn.
  • Interesting.
  • @RodentRacer Your model matches mine. I also looked into this a few months ago, and let me add that all killplanes (LIMIT) are the exact same and there are trigger planes (SAFESWITCH) that change the active respawn points (SAFESPOT). Odd Race seems to use the same system but with separate sets of respawns for each gravity.
  • But that begs the question of Sky Race. In both of the videos in this thread, the Ball-Hamster falls off at a higher point and respawns way lower. Wouldn't that defeat RodentRacer's idea? It's either that, or Sky Race has some weird exclusive properties...
  • Sky Race has seven SAFESWITCHes throughout, alphabetically ordered so that you can't activate any before your current one. The only one that can be skipped AFAIK is the one right after where you'd do the first skip. Also, I just remembered that the heights of SAFESPOTs are only compared with the player's height, not each other. I believe all SAFESPOTs at or above the player's last grounded height are equally prioritzed and chosen by spherical distance, then the same is done with those below if there weren't any.
  • You can find another SAFESWITCH as you call them in the Master Race. If you get to the platform right bellows the 8 ball with the flippers, and try to get back up the toob by crashing, it just sends you back down. It seems to be deactivated when you go farther on in the race, though.
  • That would be switch C, a flat plane at the tunnel's height. All of its respawns are in the blocker area, including the penalty path's.
  • @RodentRacer I was very surprised how you were able to get good respawns on those levels! I've linked your video from mine for people to see
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