Will Hamsterball be ported to Steam? (probably Hamsterball 2 too?)

Since the last time we bought the game in my sister's laptop (which was more than a decade ago and currently it's dead), I have no payment methods yet (like paypal, credit card, etc.) to buy the game. Is it a good idea to port it to Steam so that more people who have Steam as their payment method can buy the game? I would like some opinions from John himself, and probably you guys!


- rKizCora


  • John isn't really active on the forums. Personally, I think it would be a good idea only after Hamsterball 2 comes out.  :)
  • I mean, there's always those gift cards. You know, the Vanilla/Visa ones that work pretty much anywhere. Just got one for my birthday myself and used it to grab a couple of Switch games, and I'm thinking about using the rest of it to grab some music off Amazon or Google Play. You could easily use one of those to re-buy Hamsterball if it supports buying with a credit card.
  • Hamsterball 2 will most likely be released on steam, I think it has been confirmed, but I'm not 100% sure.

    However as for hamsterball I don't think it will, I sent an email back in 2017 asking if it would be ported, and they said that they had no current plans to port hamsterball to steam, and while that was 3 years ago, I still don't think they'll port it personally.
  • Yeah, it has been confirmed; it's coming to Steam and mobile. The mobile version will be free (with ads); the PC version will be paid. On the bright side, I believe it's also been confirmed that Hamsterball 2 will have some returning levels in it, similar to Hoggy 2.
  • Thanks for all of your replies!
    Yes I was aware that Hamsterball 2 will be coming to Steam, while Hamsterball 1 is still unknown, and as of right now, I pretty much doubt they'd personally port it to Steam.
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