Chuzzle 2 Auto-Pause

edited December 2019 in Chuzzle
So, as you may or may not know, Chuzzle 2 auto-pauses if you switch out of the app, and auto-resumes upon returning to it (it's really only noticeable in modes with a timer like Speed Chuzzle). But... Not when pulling down the notification bar on Android. This is more of a me problem than anything (I've found I prefer to play Chuzzle with my own music, and when you have 13.3 Gigabytes and 3,553 files worth of music on your phone, it can sometimes be hard to know *EXACTLY* what track is playing), but still, I think it'd be nice if it auto-paused while the notification bar has been pulled down too. @Raptisoft Any chance you might be able to do something about this in a future update? Thanks in advance!
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