Game Crashers

Here are a list of game crashers that can be done in Hoggy

1) Drawing attention way too much
2) Entering an invisible jar
3) Dying a lot
4) Emerging from a out of grid jar (probably related to invisible jars)

There is one you can do in the main hub but I forgot how to do it. Pretty sure its the last room


  • I feel like I'm missing more than this much
  • I'm going to disagree with the 3rd one. I'm not that great of a player and I die a lot. I was going to say my game hardly ever crashes and that I didn't remember the last time it did but not long after reading this post it did for no reason!

    so 5) Reading this post

    Obviously I'm just joking. Good luck with your search. I will check back and make sure do avoid everything since I have no interest in crashing my game.
  • There's another one: Settings Crash. Some levels (at least for me) cause Level Editor Settings to instantly Crash the Game for every single level unless the level which causes this is removed from "My Levels" Tab either by delete or moving the level files to other area.
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