Jar bugs

When making a level, there is a chance that an uneraseable jar pops up, it can do 2 things, 1. Spawn you incorrectly, 2. Crash the game, please fix this bug!


  • You can erase the Jar if it Glitched in a way it becomes unmovable /uneraseable. Simply hold on that space until you see a Square that normally you use to move or copy blocks. Cover the Jar with it and hit "Erase" button. Jar will be completely deleted.
  • Thanks! I'm making a hub series of levels amd this glitch annoyed me!
  • But i've tried it, it does not work :((
  • It should work. If in doubt, make the delete area larger before confirming.
  • Maybe try drawing tiles all over the jar to confirm collision. That way the select function can detect collision and erase it

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