Some requests for the makermall

Yeah I know my requests will probably be ignored by @Raptisoft but still I wanna add them 
Also this category is so inactive that I'm the only one puttinng discussions here lol 
Anyways, here are the requests: 

1) Beepbox songs!
If the RWK makermall can have custom music, why not here? 

2) Red Chuzzles 

So a while back, me and Vantropix found out that there was an unused sprite of a red minichuzzle. Later, MagnumAlpasan found that it's replaces the green chuzzles in the beta version. It'd be cool to add it in! It follows by moving one block at a time (walks like Hoggy) and when it can shoot, it shoots in a straight line. (the red minichuzzle following you seemed chaotic) The direction it shoots in are

3)8 ways for Chuzzles to shoot

Cuz why not? Also this request is because I thought maybe it be better for diagonal obstacles and a update to the chuzzles. I also wanna suggest a new animation for the chuzzles that they sneeze out the chuzzle rather than jumping. 

4)The MYLEVELS code for mobile 

Why is it only compatible for computers? 

5)Bouncy stompy Moon man

It'd be interesting to add that feature. Honestly, that part surprised me in story mode

6)Produce any block

The blockade feature but it can produce any block. Just, no jar blocks (Take extra care of the switches and skullboxes for this one lol)

7)Separate key and star counter (With the key doors and unused star door. The used one is ok, ya can add that too)

For people who make hub based levels

8)Some objects you wouldn't get in the makermall 

There are many thing you wouldn't get through the makermall like 
a)Starting a level by emerging from a jar 
c)Those jar textures
d)The jar transitioning to be bigger than it is (The makers could use this in an unfair way so idk about this one)
e)Moon family's ships and the moonbase
f)Moon texture and it's background
g)Waterfall texture
h)Some other things I probably forgot to add

9)Fix the what's new page plz

I have to use a blank search option to see recent level shares :P

10)Direct Messages (DMs) and group DMs

Messages for makers to tell to each other instead of revealing it to the whole world

11)The unused happy emote for the bosses
At first, I thought it's a feature that didn't work because there wasn't one but when I looked into the sprite files, there was an emote. Confusion 100

12)Expandale screen display for artwork while making a level

Will be very useful. Maker selects the distance of expansion (Even for people why overlay sprites)

13)Same thing for gameplay

So that users can see the art without having to go around it like a detective. There should be a little indicator on a level showing that screen expansion is available or not. Also should be a new button for it while gameplay. Actually, people might not see hoggy while screen expansion. Wait, I got an idea!

14)The purple arrow at Hoggy
The purple arrow didn't have much use as to indicate to enter Jar #001. It can show on Hoggy if he stands idle for too long. Could also be useful for the blackout game effect. Selectable in settings

15)Scrollable bar for echo/floaty text bubble commands

I don't wanna delete everything just from a typo I made

16)Description list for commands
I've been asking Rastapops for what some commands do for the time. Was useful to find out what override was. Then again, there should be a list for what commands do. Especially trigger types and conditions (Most people are still confused on triggers and I still don't know what the "evaluate trigger at" condition does"

17)Put a "are ya sure ya want to" message when pressing quit/restart

I've gone pretty far in many hard levels and most times I just press restart from checkpoint and either my hand slips to restart or quit. Many issues occured with this

18)Settings option in the pause menu

I don't wanna get out a level just to change the music volume

19)Mod/Admin/Owner indicator for makermall profiles

Will be useful for the future when Raptisoft has a lot of mods n admins

20)Autosaving levels

I mean, once the game crashes, the progress of a level you were making will be gone so autosaving should do the trick

21)Texture Packs

Community suggested themes that you guys have to review. Only for the level selecting since I don't want to imagine the amount of chaos that would've happen if it were to be in level
Texture pack tab will be in the title screen
Plz don't make us pay for then I'm broke 

I can't remember any other points. Eh. maybe later

Also, don't delete any glitches plz. Only the game crashers. There probably should be a "glitchy" tag like in the RWK makermall


  • The addition of beepbox might just be the incentive for me to make some Hoggy levels :)
  • 22) Icy Physics

    Push an enemy with a pushblock and it just slides endlessly till it's not on ice. Gradually decreases when not on ice. Will have same speed when on ice again or airborne

    23)More than 3 star limit

    Yes, you can give more than 3 stars on a level but stars from above third don't show. For this, just put one star and a number in the middle

    24)Default karma on sharing level should be 0

    That should stop karma farmers!

    25)Let Hoggy go with a moving block

    If Hoggy is on a moving block, he straight up dies. Can't Hoggy just go with a moving block?


    They only appeared in jar 1 from Hoggy 1. I'd also like to say that ropes are semisemisolids. Just tryna make a difference

    27)Speedrun Timer selection

    Suggested by MagnumAlpasan. That'll mean two sections, one for records and one for comments. Selectable in level settings

    28)Button to temporarily deactivate echo/floaty text commands

    They block my view so I always blindjump

    29)Favorites list

    I think this one's suggested by LonGoldM. Self explanatory

    30)Other sorting methods

    Also self explanatory

    31)Remove option to override jars

    Completely useless apart from trapping Hoggy in a jar
  • 8) i)The insertable castle background object
  • 32)Wheel selection like Mario Maker 2

    I mean, pretty sure you copied the layout to pick stuff from the editor's tab so why not go with the flow. You can keep things the same (ie the dropdown tab) but for shakable objects, when selected a wheel appears, letting an easier way to find the right tile

    8) j)Key/Star/Secret display for jars
    k) Absolute insanity trophy (Achievable by completing absolute insanity)

    33)Powerup to disable Hoggy changing gravity

    This'll be a game changer for sure
  • The trophy goes in the jar section btw
  • Bah, I don't ignore anyone!  Sometimes I'm just really busy!  It's hard doing this being just one guy. :D

    I'm planning to do a Hoggy update after I finish a few more Chuzzle updates, and before I start the next project.  A lot of these requests are reasonable, so I'll throw them in.  I'll post a thread about what I'm adding when I sit down to do the update.

  • Just one guy? I thought you were a team entirely! Unless you were only the one assigned to check the forums. If so then oof. Also, a few more Chuzzle updates? Ooo
  • Also, I really wanna know what happened with the original design of the moon family (And that secret jar with the gump too)

  • 34)Puzzle Tag

    Meanwhile all of PuzzleKnight's levels gets automatically tagged without him knowing lol
    Can you announce this one at least (and the glitchy tag too)? I was shocked when I found out an auto tag was added without knowing

    35)Remove the Moon Kid softlokcing me by the door in the moonbase

    In the room where you have to kill two moonybees by Moon Kid's Ice beam on a bomb block, you can somehow stop Moon Kid to not go to the next room by those reboot boss overriden key blocks. Idk how I achieved that but just to be sure, please do look into that

    36)Even though upside down Moon Kid is above the 8 ball, it somehow makes it explode

    I remember making a level on this telling you guys to fix this. Rastapopsicle said that it's still possible. Yeah, it's possible to beat the moonbase. My 1 year before mind told me that it was a bug but later on I realized it was just because of Moon Kid bobbing up and down. I know there's a guy out there that'll have the same mindset as me so you should fix it if possible. 

    8) l) Moon Kid laser beam overriden switch

    37) Roles maybe?

    Roles to distinguish the good and bad makers. Should also apply to other sorting methods

    38)Progressive triggers

    Let's say for example, I put a trigger on a bumper to echo "Ow! why'd ya bump me?". Second time bumped "Stop that!". Third time "I said stop!" Like that, progressive triggers.

    39)Hoggy expression/emote command

    Now idk wheter to decide Hoggy expressions (Like those unnanounced new hoggy pfps. Made me wonder why I got changed back to default pfp) or the emotes like Hoggy did when he bonked the moonbase out of the moon
    Hoggy [Select emote or expression here] at [x,y]

    40)Autoscroll levels

    Self expanatory. maybe a vertical one too? accessible in level settings

    41)Boss and autoscroll tags

    Boss tag for boss levels and autoscroll tags for autoscroll levels (If maker needs autoscroll function, he has to add the autoscroll tag. Immediately removed if he disables it

    42)Instazone command

    DMD is a total madlad when he has commands and has somehow made an instazone command with normal Hoggy commands. Would be easier to just make a command instead of counting how far to go
    Instazone [x,y]

    43)<0.25 sleep timings
    DMD said that it's possible to sleep command under 0.25 secs but it doesn't work for me so I believe that he did a 0.25 and 0.26 timing at the same time

    44)Multiple music options 
    Same thing like RWK but with triggers
    Music [Music]

    45)Combination condition
    Basically a new condition where a certain combination is added in the exact order. Yes, there are counters but those give premature combinations (Combination but in any order)


    The plus give a list of combinations to pick. They are 

    a)[Counter] increment
    b)[Counter] decrement

    It's layed out like

    [Counter] Increment
    [Counter] decrement

    Make the options draggable in the middle of the functions or it's one mistake and the whole order gets three pointed into the trash. Also, limit, idk that's your decision

    46)If...Then...Else command

    I won't need to activate two triggers at a time anymore if this is added.

    If [conditions] Then

    This is the result of me using QBASIC a lot lol

  • No wait, actually

    If [conditions] [+] = [True/False] Then
    END IF

    [+] adds a [AND] [command]

    [AND] is selectable for ''and", "or" and another QBASIC operator I forgot to mention

  • This forum is making me realize how much ideas I had lol

  • *[AND] [conditions]

  • 47)LonGoldM's fanmade ideas

    He doesn't have a lot on his plate unlike me

    48)Collab levels

    For people who make a chunk of a level and let another maker join another chunk. Kinda like my chunk series
    Just send said player a request to add a chunk to the level you gave them. They'll probably know ny their notification bar. Wait, I forgot Hoggy 2 doesn't have a notification bar.

    49)In Game Notification bar

    Will notify users about a level shared by their favorited maker (selected in settings), likes and stars given by a user (also settings) and for the idea above (For this one, users can select whether they want chunk requests or not). Denoted by bell icon. (amounts of notifications will be shown by the red circle indicator in IOS)

    I forgot to mention that the group dm thingy will also have an icon which will look like an envelope (message amount indicated like notification amount 

    50)Community chat

    Talk with the whole community!

    51) Delete/Edit messages

    Accidentally typo? Delete/edit it!
  • 52) Pictures
    This can go either good or bad depending on the person

  • That's pictures via messages btw

  • Wow. A lot of suggestions for one game :) I wish Hoggy would work for me.. :(
  • You're talking about Hoggy 2, right? Because Hoggy 1 won't work on any modern iDevices anymore, seeing how it's 32-bit.
  • edited March 2019
    Yeah, I mean Hoggy 2. And Chuzzle 2. Both games are Crashing on my phone so can't play them. Only RWK works (and slowly getting pushed out of it because of constant Level Spam which almost left me miss Fnanfne's great MazeRunner Level.. )
  • After several tries to play Hoggy 2,it's somehow working :) Looks like a pretty complex and fun game as I was at Level Maker for around 3 hours before I finally made first (probably bad) tricky level. Learning how to make at least a good level there might take me some days or weeks.. But I still have at least 8 RWK levels to finish (one for my close Birthday :) ) And sorry for my little Off-topic talk :)
  • Wait Hoggy 1 doesn't work on modern devices?

  • Nope. Apple has zero respect for backwards compatibility, so they completely dropped support for 32-bit apps a while ago. Hoggy 1 was never updated to address that, so it only works on outdated versions of iOS.

    The game had an Android version as well, but it's no longer available at all. I recall hearing that the middleware it uses no longer works on modern Android versions, so that may have been the reason for its delisting.

    If you want to play the game, you can find a Windows build here:
    But don't be surprised if the game has graphical issues or doesn't work at all. Its a debug build that was never meant to be played on anything other than the PC it was developed on.

    I recall hearing that Rastapopoulon was working on a full port of the game's levels to Hoggy 2 using developer tools, but I don't know if that's still happening.
  • I thought the Relic levels in Hoggy 2 were ports of Hoggy 1's levels?
  • They only cover most of the game's original levels. That's far from the whole game.
  • Maybe Raptisoft could do a remake? Idk there's already a relic door 
  • 53) That greenlight overworld and those forgotten levels

    Very curious on this one. There was also another type of moon man fight with a health bar floating on top of him? Sign me up lol
  • At this time, should I plug in Vantropix's soon to be approved Hoggy 2 discord server? Of course why not lol

    Vantropix's Hoggy 2 discord server!
    The discord server where Hoggy players unite! (Maybe) is the invite link

    Requirements (just in case)
    Discord account (obvious)
    13+ (Idk why but discord be like dat)

  • Hi there ! We still work on Hoggy 2 game. We cant say anything because it's secret. However, we always plan to port all H1 lvls on H2. But remimber, you can play to all H1 lvls on makermall, The name of those levels are simple... Lost relic and more lost relic.
  • edited March 2019
    I don't think the boss level is available though, is it?

    Also, you forgot to mention the Hoggy 1 levels that aren't included in the Hoggy 2 hub. Think they're referred to as forgotten relics.
  • The Hoggy 1 levels are already in story mode. 's in that question marked door. Easy 40 keys is ya need em

  • Like I said, that's nowhere near the whole game. Not only does it lack several of the original levels (including the boss), but the two expansion level sets aren't covered at all.
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