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Administrator, Moderator


  • Hi, I am hoping that you can help save Hoggy.

    Z and Anomaly, the spammers, are not gone. I argued with both of them in a comment thread for the better part of an hour today. They have made it clear that they will continue to wreck the Hoggy Makermall as long as they possibly can.

    I would like to ask you to contact John about this. Something drastic needs to be done about Z and Anomaly soon. I don't think banning their accounts will help, because they will make new ones. I have an idea for how to solve the problem; please forward it to John if you think it is feasible:

    We ban the existing spam accounts and then charge a $5 fee for new users to join. If the spammer makes a new account, pays $5, and then continues to spam stolen levels, he gets banned again. The spammer will not keep paying the fee, and the Makermall will be rid of him. The only drawback I can see is that the fee could discourage honest users from joining Makermall. However, the people who aren't willing to pay five bucks probably wouldn't be good level makers anyway, so it's not a big loss.

    April 2020
  • vvllaadd99
    Hello DorkLord. Hopefully you remember me with all this forum silence for solomon. I know this is a far shot, and i doubt it, but do you think you or John would be able to spare an old beta copy of solomon dark? I had mine from the old forum on an external drive, which died of old age the other day, loosing all my files... It was the only form of solomon I had left to play, as I haven't had an ipod in seven years...
    August 2016
  • Welcome Aboard!
    February 2015